Tuesday, March 30, 2010

3-30-10: Individual Meeting with Tom

This meeting was primarily a discussion of recent images. I showed the following:

We agreed this image is a little flat.

This was the image I re-shot from the midterm critique. Over spring break my wide angle lens broke so I have been using my fixed 50mm. The quality of glass isn't as nice as the other and it also makes shooting wider angle shots in small rooms VERY frustrating. I wasn't able to include both the top of the door frame and the air vent in the bottom corner- thus emphasizing the confusing scale discussed during the earlier critique. I would like to re-shoot this again, but would have to borrow a wide angle lens from someone. Tom and I agreed this image is important and strong, so a re-shoot is very important.

The bottom of these two images: Tom suggested I use a different animal because I already have two images using animals with antlers. He suggested the bunny in the top image. He also suggested playing with the scale of the rabbit in the image to relate it to the above image of the small door, arm chair, and human-dressed bunnies. This is something I will consider, but I'm not terribly excited about photoshop. All of my images thus far have been void of photoshop except for color correction and some spot cleaning.

Image without flash

Image with flash

Which do you think is stronger and why? What do you think of the tag on the right-most fur? Is it distracting? How do you interpret it? Include it? Photoshop it out?

Input on other images is always appreciated.

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