Monday, March 1, 2010

3-3-10 Idea Post

I have been working on developing my artist statement for the midterm critique this Thursday. Below is my draft as of mid-semester along with influential artists and a quote that strongly relates to my concept.

Still in Life

Still In Life has been inside me as long as I can remember- developing throughout my child and adulthood in a distant part of my mind. The setting and materials create scenes of stillness that are both realizations and comparisons of past and future. I use animals as self-representations to project myself into domestic landscapes in which I am forced to coexist with humanness and impermanence. This is a direct reflection of Western culture’s dependency on anthropomorphism as a source of maturation that has played and continues to play a vital role in my own development.

Influential Artists:

- Doug Aitken, Migration
- Alessandra Sanguinetti, On The Sixth Day
- Marian Drew, Still Lives
- Susan Worsham Some Fox Trails in Virginia

"My work has always been a metaphor for my own growing up, and the small deaths of childhood innocence that occur on the road to becoming an adult." -Susan Worsham

Below are images from Susan Worsham's Some Fox Trails in Virginia

Bronze Swans, 2008

Snakes on my Childhood Bed, 2008

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