Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1-24-10 Artist Post, Jennifer Khoshbin

Jennifer Khoshbin

“My work expresses the idea of the story, fable, or tale, attempting to sort out the past and create new beginnings. How these stories have affected me and my culture are represented through a combination of book and animal sculptures, drawings and writings. I am artificially re-imagining things in a handmade wilderness.”

Khoshbin creates her animals/insects from paper mache and decoupage covered resin casts. They then get coated with nature, home, or life inspired paper.

She domesticates these animals by transforming their outermost layer with false sedentary, familiarized paper- trapping them and making them safely available for YOUR living room. The truth is, I desperately want one! And so do many other people, as she sells these sculptures on Etsy for a fancy dollar or two.

"Big Bad"

"Deer Trophy Project"

"Ferdinand's Friend"


Why the sudden revitalization of taxidermy? I have found myself drawn to it since I was a child and don't see my fascination dying anytime soon (no pun intended). Taxidermy use seems to be growing in many art fields: fashion, fine art, interior design, furniture design. Maybe I only think taxidermy has seen a revitalization because I have been researching it so much lately. What do you think?

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