Monday, September 14, 2009

Recent Activity

I began experimenting with a new substance this past weekend- eggs. They are so readily available and are actually super cheap! [[EXCITING NEWS]] I continued to work with my scanner. I began fooling around with the material like I do in the beginning of every project and made some very interesting observations.

#1: Cold eggs make the inside of the scanner glass fog up. Run under hot water!!
#2: Even if the scanner looks flat, the egg will STILL run unless you are completely sure.
#3: Egg starts to dry around the edges fairly quickly, so use overhead sheets over the glass for easy clean up.

Probably my most interesting and successful scan design (very rough editing):

I then decided to make it BIGGER and more interesting by doing another rough copy/paste job to make it look as if my grid were much larger.

I then decided to give my image a gradual diagonal tonal change by deleting certain yolks. After doing so, I copied and pasted the image into a new image four times and arranged it in the following:

All of this accidentally came together and I now feel like I really have room to stretch. I have been thinking about creating a picture of an object with the shading/placement of the egg yolks. I would plan on being able to reproduce the image fairly large so the viewer would have to stand very far away to see the object as a whole, but could still stand up close to see the detail of every yolk. As far as my ideas for an object to recreate, I was thinking of an egg (still shell intact). Do you think this is too obvious? Uninteresting? Any suggestions for other objects?

As far as researching eggs throughout history and their symbolism in today's society, they are a symbol of rebirth, new beginnings and fertility. Perhaps I should go more that route?

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